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SKU: 500333

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Our galvanised steel Log Beds are created to minimise time and cost in attaching a round timber fence rail to a flat-top fence post. They are a great choice for a pine log fence style. 

Benefits of Log Beds  

✔ Harsh Aussie weather has no effect on its resilience
✔ Very quick, easy installation with a curved profile to fit right onto your timber log
✔ Tailored to fit logs of any size, offering flexibility to your fencing needs 

These log beds are a quick and easy fix for attaching pine logs to a fence post. Galvanised steel finish makes this product suitable for any location and application whether commercial, rural or residential. 

Features of a Galvanised Log Bed  

✔ Lightweight galvanised steel finish
✔ One size fits all round logs
✔ Ideal for using with 225mm or 275mm Timber Spikes 

Achieve a top result by securing this log support to a fence post with a flat top. This enhances their effectiveness in crafting a strong and long-lasting pine log fence. 

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