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5 Ways to Add Charm to Your Yard with Pine Logs

You want to improve your yard with pine logs but are looking for innovative ways to do it. Luckily, we've got five creative pine log projects that will add rustic charm to your yard and ease garden maintenance at the same time.

Build a pine log planter

Build a pine log planter for vegetables, salad greens or herbs. These work well as raised beds and with a few additions, they can be linked together into self-watering planters of varying sizes. Place these garden planters right outside your kitchen door for easy access to fresh greens and vegetables for all your meals.

pine log garden bed planter

Pine log edging

Pine log edging defines the area of a garden and helps keep the grass from growing into the garden beds. Durable pine log edging reduces maintenance time in the garden and it is an easy project to finish in one day.

Create a retaining wall

Create a retaining wall with treated pine sleepers that level out a sloping yard and conserve water by not letting it drain away. The wall expands the usable area of your yard, but if the wall is overly large you may need construction help with the project.

A garden path

A garden path edged with treated pine logs, filled in with a weed mat, and then covered in pine chips is a versatile addition to any yard. It blends very naturally with the garden and, unlike stone, it can easily be repositioned or moved as your garden changes and grows.

Rustic pine log furniture

Rustic pine log furniture draws people into your yard and invites them to relax and admire your handiwork. These durable works of art require little maintenance and are not difficult to build. Simple designs are very effective, and they can be mixed into any garden style with ease. Create benches, chairs, and tables and place them artistically around your yard and enjoy their naturally welcoming vibe.

Pine logs are perfect for many yard projects, they are durable, very low maintenance and cost-effective. Narangba Timbers has premium grade treated pine logs for landscaping and fencing, and arsenic free logs for gardening, lawn furniture, and other applications. Contact us to discuss the best timber for your home pine log project.